How do you cope with being long distance for years, and saving goodbye after visits? M20Australia F17Sweden

I mean if you click, it will probably become a lot tougher (at least at first). Since you're still very young, are still in school and don't have much money, frequent travelling will probably not be an option, hence, you really need to figure out how realistic this relationship actually is.

You both will change a lot in the next 5-7 years and chances that you'll stay together are tiny. It might simply take you longer to figure out that you're not compatible due to being apart most of the time. Thus, you really need to discuss worst case scenarios in general (e.g. what if you end up breaking up in two year, shortly before closing the gap (temporarily), or breaking up once one of you moved etc.). How would these scenarios make you feel in terms of "wasting time"/"missing out"?

/r/LongDistance Thread Parent