How Crazy Is It That The Senate and House Might Move In Opposite Directions This Year?

Pennsylvania: 36% of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conservative Democrat Voter intends to vote for GOP Barletta. Up 11 pts before Kavanaugh Hearings.

41% of the Democrat Conservative voter intend to either stay home or crossover and vote Republican straight ticket.

Tennessee Governor Race. GOP Lee 58%, DEM Dean 30%. GOP opens up a 28 pt lead.

North Dakota Senate Race. DEM Incumbent Heitkamp 41%, GOP Challenger Cramer 55%. GOP has opened up a 14 pt lead.

Michigan Senate Race. GOP Challenger James 44%, DEM Incumbent Stabenow 48%. Race has narrowed to 4% and Incumbent is at Dangerous 48%.

Missouri Senate Race. GOP Challenger Hawley 51%, DEM Incumbent McCaskill 42%.

Indiana Senate Race. GOP Challenger Braun 46%, DEM Incumbent Donnelly 42%

Arizona Senate Race GOP McSally 48%, DEM Sinema 44%

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