How did you lose touch with your "best" friend ?

He was never a real friend. I went to school with him, we played a lot of MMO's togther from age 12-16 or so (runescape and WoW). We would sit on skype and talk for hours.

At about 15, he started getting "cool". He straighted his hair. He changed his clothes. Girls started giving him more attention. He started going to house parties and he got with a lot of girls. Every girl at school fancied him.

He was always someone I looked up to. Someone I always wanted to be better friends with. I kept asking him to get me +1ed to events. I kept asking him to hang out. I'd text him and he wouldn't reply or he would say "Yeah, maybe" or cancel at the last minute or just stand me up. Meanwhile I was just this fat nerdy kid trying to get a social life and he never helped me.

He got in to drugs at ~17/18. He smoked a lot of weed, took a lot of mdma/acid/coke and never really came back. He got access to his savings at 18, and he partied the lot away within 6 months.

He went from being this nerdy guy, to this guy that got laid on demand, to this guy that was just sort of empty and fucked up. He was never really there, just sort of dull.

I see him around from time to time but we don't talk. He has a best friend who he has does everything (including girls fmm) with.

I honestly think I'm better than him now. He's working in retail and I have a career. He's a little overweight and I'm ripped. He can't hold down a LTR and I've been in one for 3 years.

Having said that I saw his facebook post the other day - his new girlfriend is perfect. She's stunning. And damn I will admit that I'm so jealous because she is exactly my type - I have no clue how he got her.

/r/AskReddit Thread