How did you find out that your SO was cheating on you and how did you confront them? How did they react?

Dated a guy on/off for seven years. Our last time we broke up, received this weird message on an app called Whysper. The person told me they thought they saw someone like him with another girl. I shrugged it off for the most part, figured it was an anonymous app how could they know me and thought the person was mistaken. My ex said he was with his bestfriend who was a guy so I believed him. A couple people made comments to me thinking back but none that were direct.

Anyway, we broke up after he did some shitty things and I naturally joined Tinder two days later. Came across his profile and was gunna shrug it off when I saw the time stamp. He was online two weeks prior which was when we were together. Took a screenshot, called him, he wouldn't deny it but wouldn't tell me what he did. He did something apparently. That was it.

Not really an angry person but that kind of disloyalty, have no tolerance for. You want to be with someone else and hook up with them after you made a commitment to me, go ahead but don't expect me to be crying.

It was fucking halirious. He called me that Fall apologizing hoping we could make up or him visit me- fuckkk no. We were on good terms but literally don't care. He had it in his head because he hurt me and I believe in loving others unconditionally, Id never get over those feelings or move on. He loved the idea of having control. Well, he was wrong. Went home in December and he calls me wanting to spend time together and Christmas shop. I knew he was doing it to taunt me, test the waters and it wasn't genuine. He thought I'd say I wasn't ready to see him or some shit to make himself feel good- so I accept the invitation and told him to pick me up. He ignores my texts for three days after and apologizes he was really busy. Yeah okay, sure didn't crush your ego.

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