How does £4500 per month look like for a family of 4 ?

Depending where you are in the South East you may be talking 2k a month for rental on a 4 bedroom house plus around 500-600 a month on regular bills.

If you want a cleaner for example it is likely to be around 15 an hour. Childcare can be around 1200 per child in the SE so you may want to work out the most efficient way to manage that. It drops considerably when children reach school age assuming you don't go private.

As far as comparing life in India to here there will be differences in general. There is less hierarchy and everything tends to be more equal. The concept of a cook or cleaner daily or live in is very rare for example and not in the budget at this level.

If you are ready for the cultural changes, you will be fine at this salary level.

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