How to explain "miracles"? Anyone know of any?

Miracles don't exist and most of the tales I was told growing up were fabricated once you dig a quarter inch beneath the surface. I went to a church that liked to do faith healings. It was the placebo effect and people gave more on Sundays when these services happened (success stories were all pretty much confirmation bias, exaggeration and straight up bullshit but the congregation ate it up). Most problems were ones that would run their course (a backache, a cold, a stressful situation), but when things got better, it was a miracle! When things didn't, the person who went to the healing was a wretched sinner (it's his fault he still has diabetes!). Those leading the service always had a pocketful of tall tales about people who were healed by faith healings and doctors hated these believers for nearly putting them out of business because after a healing (doctors hate her! Learn one Christian's secret doctors don't want you to know. The truth will shock you!), the doctor found nothing- the problems were gone or managed to the point where they could lead a healthy life. Idds uh murrahcul! It never was a matter or misdiagnosis, that treatments actually worked or that actually making lifestyle changes could do anything for the better. It's always a miracle, but a miracle the pastor wanted a cut of the credit for. Miracles like that only seem to happen to people who go to church a give more than a tithe! But can this pastor and your missionaries explain why god can't heal anacephaly? Why can't he grow back the limb of an amputee? Are they unworthy of the miracles that seem to happen with those who have a tootheache or a cold who have been prayed over by said pastor or missionary?

Tim Minchin has a song about miracles you might get a kick out of. Thank you GOD!1!!!!.

/r/exchristian Thread