How do I find a good dentist?

Okay, to be honest, the best dentists are hard to come by. Sometimes as a dentist myself I have trouble finding those with the quantities I require for my restorative work. Luckily by searching between craigslist and the recommendations from my fifth cousin I have found an ideal practitioner that I trust. First and foremost, a good dentist will immediately whiten your teeth upon arriving. Don't let anyone tell you that your white fillings can't be made whiter by a simple zoom sesh. Sometimes old dentures may fit better. In fact, whitening reduces any sensitivity and may help stop cavities and toothaches, immediately. Did I mention it may help you with your next job interview? Second, yes, undoubtedly your oral hygiene is excellent. You are wise – fluoride is in fact a mechanism of mind control, using floss is offensive, and dental amalgam fillings cause cancer – I am glad you have been exposed minimally. Third, dental insurance is the end all be all to quality dental care. Often upper and lower veneers are ONLY covered for facebook profile pictures needs. Occasionally snap chatters may elect for a 50% discount. Also, if not covered, maybe a student dentist will do them for free, just for the experience. Fourth, I've heard my colleagues mention how their fillings may only last ten years, but they are tricking you and not using the latest EC-hydromechanoismagonist boding agent available to cosmetic dentists. Don't be fooled. Insist on the most modern tooth tape. Fifth, if you were numbed by your dentist, that poke you felt is them pushing in cavity causing solutions into your saliva glands that are excreted out into your mouth for many years. This insurances that patients will keep coming back to us for dental cleanings. The gel we use before hand is sufficient to make your numb. I instruct my patients to swish with mountain dew before bed to counteract the bacteria biofilms. Sixth, all dentists usually have the same opinions of your treatment plan, because each dentist is trained in mind-reading throughout dental school for patient management. Maybe finally, yes, you are right, your continued dental treatment helps finance our yacht(s) and beach house(s). Often a summer job is sufficient to pay for the 4 years required for a college degree, 4 years for a dental degree, and 1-3 years for dental residency, but sometimes a quick buck from your newspaper route will cover the gap. Debt after finishing a dental education only makes us over treat and do more "root canals" then necessary. I hope you have learned quite a bit and I wish you best of luck finding your best extraction dentist.

/r/Dentistry Thread