How do you say let’s have sex without saying let’s have sex?

No, but that is what you seem to imply.

It's annoying in the extreme when women only put out "hints" instead of being direct and saying what they want. Women want men to change from 50 years ago, but are completely unwilling to take on responsibility to also change with the times, and take on the risk associated with rejection. You look through reddit and you will see that just about every single guy hates "hints" or "signals." This is not me.

In another post I just made here about 5 minutes ago to another person who responded to my above post, I wrote that men pretty much universally hate and abhor that 95% of women give hints. Just f-ing hate it, in the strongest possible terms.

I personally will never engage with a woman if she only gives "signals". You completely don't get it. Men misinterpret women's signals all. the. time. I've done it and kissed a woman, and, oy, that was embarrassing. One time, that was enough. Never have responded to "signals" since. Yeah, she can explain it away by saying "misreading signals" but the real issue is that most women are cowards, sorry to say, and don't want to take the risk of rejection, and put it on the man to be rejected. And if you think that doesn't happen to men, over and over and over, you are just ignoring reality, probably purposefully, in order to protect your ego.

My situation did happen, and if you look at another response to my post, you will see that it happened to another guy. As I said, even if it happens in 2%, 1%, or .25% of the cases, the risk is way, way, way too much.

If you're seeing hints

No hints. Do you understand? No hints, no signals. No means no. Have you heard of that expression before?

If you read posts from men about the topic, they will say that they don't even realize for years later that women were "putting out the signals." I had that happen to me. I had a woman "put out signals" and literally 10 years later, was like, "OOoooohhhh". If she would have just asked me to go out on a date, like a brave person would, I would have gone in a heartbeat, she was so cute.

whether she secretly means yes or not, just move on.

I have moved on. Moved on to women who can be direct and directly say what they want. Which means that I haven't had a date in a long, long, long time.

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