How do you manage your anxiety/depression/mental illness so that it doesn't consume your life? [Serious]

So, I've been watching the votes go up & down since I posted this. I don't understand why people felt the need to downvote this. I feel like it's obvious people struggle with it, and yet when push comes to shove and we're in the trenches of it, most people you talk to about it eventually reach a point of "Well do you have anyone else to talk to? Any other friends or family?" Like they don't really want to deal with it. Sometimes you have no one to talk to, or talking doesn't help. That is the main reason I made this post, because I believe we can maybe fucking help each other.

I hope readers and everyone who commented today realizes that you're not as alone as you think you are, that these are some really common issues people have. We will never be 100% happy & content, but here we all are. Keep fighting. Keep being brave. If anyone who contributed feels like they'd like to talk more, please don't hesitate. Thank you all for your comments. I wish you all peace, and as happy of a holiday season as you can get. Don't let the fuckers keep you down for long.

/r/AskReddit Thread