How do I get to the next level?

My question really is, where do you find these teams that might match with me?

The problem is that it isnt that easy. The high-elo csgo community is a "gated community" and sometimes very elitist; you have to know the right people to get into a halfway decent team. It will take a long time to get to know the right people, but here are a few tips for the start.

Some of them will be somewhat offensive, but thats sadly how the high elo csgo community works.

-only add people who sound possitive, energetic and confident; I don't really like to say it, but more the "Alpha" type people, the ones that think they are good and look down on others indirectly.

-dont add east europeans and russians.

-dont add profiles that are private, have less than 1000 hours in csgo or their profiles that generally look "fake" or new.

-get a good mic (50+ €), and if you talk on ts or mumble, sound confident and chilled at the same time. Try to be the person that sets up strats and dont get mad/scared if they dont work.

-when you are starting to play with a certain group, be more of the support player, this will make it more likely that other people will like you. (This could mean that you drop an ak to a teammate and only play tec9+nades.)

-many might find this silly, but some people look at your profile and skins as identity; try to make your profile look nice.

I personally have never come that far, as I have a mental disorder that makes it hard for me to communicate with others, and I will probably never get any further than continuing to play on Global MM/faceit lvl 10, but I found the things listed above make it far easier to find the "correct" people. I'm probablly the wrong person to try to help other people on stuff like this, but maybe you might find this usefull.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread