How do people without kids and relatively high salaries spend all their income?

You haven't lived long enough. People are able to adjust their lifestyle to suit their income. Instead or dining out once a week, fortnight, month, try dining out every meal, do with friends at fancier restaurants and pay for their meals too. If that's not enough, have a weekend overseas somewhere, invite your fitness, buy their business class airfares and put them all up in fancy hotels and entertain them all weekend.

Very quickly you'll find you're spending more than all you friends will ever earn in their lifetime.

I'm in the poverty class, but people who earn a shit tonne know how to spend it if they want to, trust me. Instead of a tent in a national park once a year, it can be first class skiing in Switzerland every holiday. Instead of a rescue dog, it's a top level show dog trained, kennelling and cared for in Germany by paid staff. You get the idea.

/r/AusFinance Thread