She is actually a contractor through the exact same staffing agency. My agency is paid by commission. I realize they don't have any incentive, but I'm just so angry at them right now for being so unprofessional with me and not getting back to me and talking down to me just because I'm young! My recruiter strongly implied to me that I didn't know how contracting worked because I was young, and I just got so mad at him. I did my research and half my family is contractors.
I am working through a pretty small staffing agency but to an extremely large company. Thus, this company is an important client of the agency's. At the time I first brought it up (and realized my coworker was making so much more), it was at the 6 month gap. They were hesitant because the company discourages agencies asking for raises before the 1 year mark. My account manager was supposed to follow up with me after talking to her friends in HR at the company, but she never did. I should be talking to her again today. I sent her a pretty long e-mail last night letting her know I'm sick of this being delayed.
I supposed my coworker does have more education, but in a completely different field. 20% of the gap is because she started out higher, because the position was offered at that mark at the time. The second 20% she negotiated pretty hard at the 1 year mark. So I don't expect the full 40%, but I want at least 20%. I am good at my job. I can tell. We have the exact same title (my job is an entry-level job that no one has ever stayed past 2 years at and doesn't have any room for direct growth) and same job function.
But I'm a contractor, and in the end, this means this is going to end up in a conversation with my direct manager who I have such a great relationship with, but I just feel so awkward, and the thought of it is making me so anxious. Asking for another 20% sounds so unreasonable already in my head, because I know it's a large jump in pay.