How is your relationship with your sibling(s)?

The sudden acquistion of increased self awareness. That's the unifying theme in the breakthroughs with both my parents and brother. There was a lot of chaotic variability in the pre breakthrough breakthroughs, that were different from person to person (moment to moment really...), but all three showed the same exact characteristic of change after an indeterminate amount of time, that was further signified in that it occured suddenly, at a distinct point in time, indicating to me that a very rapid paradigm shift was occuring in their brain circuitry (default mode network specifically?), as to manifest in real time through this sudden acquisition of self awareness. They weren't aware of this sudden change (from what im seeing so far), but from the outside it was succinct and easy to discern (the sudden inflection point highlighting the point in time where the seemingly sudden changes would occur, that is...). Apologies for word salad #2 haha

Tldr; I now have 3 successful breakthroughs with 3 different people, all with the same (or very similar characteristically at least), defining moment.

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