Hug a white person!

you have to admit there's short comings on the left and right philosophies.

The right wing wants to ignore the environment a person is born into and what's essentially the 'difficulty level' some have to play at, especially when that level makes life more difficult than you, a privileged person could understand.

But the left, will act like environment is a crutch for not getting up and keeping trying to preserve if the face of all that. The "it takes a community" approach becomes such a circle jerk it absolves one of .. hope, belief in themselves, encourages a resignation to forces beyond your control to the point you give up on the elements you can control.

A personal boot-strappy mentality can be married to a larger understanding of the world and the seeking of improvement on larger scale economic, racial, and gender based justice issues.

We get so caught up in the right-left dichotomy, we get used to seeing these perspectives as opposites, rather than compatible.

Immigrants from Latin america and asian nations often face racial and poverty conditions just as bad as african americans in this nation. Yet they have higher social mobility with every passing generation they're here. That right there should tell you, there's more to it than mere racial privilege and an economy stacked against you. Not that those problems don't exist, not that we shouldn't do our best to take them head on, but lets not absolve individuals of what little control they do have with pity parties.

understanding hardship and historical/modern injustice should be a means for us to fix society to make it better, not allow us to stagnate and complain.

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