Husband has court date for child support and I am terrified.

I can understand you and agree in a way but don’t consider him a deadbeat though. I also can understand her point of view on it all and don’t completely blame her bc I’d kind of feel the same if he did this with our child bc in all honesty it is shitty but he doesn’t.

I’m not going to make excuses for him bc I know there’s a lot more he could’ve done but I also don’t completely blame him for how things are turning out bc I’ve seen all the messages, heard all the calls, and have seen everything.

We’re trying to make everything right bc in the end the one hurting most is their daughter and I don’t want it that way. I’m pushing him to do more for her and I know it’s shitty this is where we are now but I want to get it right now rather than later.

/r/Parenting Thread Parent