Husband just lays there during sex

Has it been the same for 10 years? Sounds like a more recent thing. I think like most have said, be honest but don’t intimidate him. One of the reasons I used to get performance anxiety and ruin my chances of great sexy time with above average women was because I saw my partner as a super secure person that could always get laid and have good sex (guys statistically are not so lucky) so it became super intimidating for me knowing that as a guy I have to perform really well because society and porn / tv have drilled it in us that is is a man’s job. While I understand it is a mental juggle it is very difficult to not think about it right then and there. Drinking a bit for example would help me get over that but it is far from a solution but it was insightful. In other words he knows you are always game for sexy time so it is no longer a challenge with romance and thrill to achieve as a MAN. So how can he really accomplish success in the bedroom if you are far off in experience and wants. This is what is so intimidating for a guy. With my wife now I have 0 issues from the first time and mostly because she let me work my way up to it, I had to be romantic, there is mystery to how far I could go, it became part of my day to think of ways to create that spontaneous moment and that journey is exiting and builds up the security in a guy because the work it takes to have sex is super rewarding. I think this is an unpopular opinion and could also have to do with low libido but as a heterosexual man I also need my 4play to be exciting and surprising and kind of mysterious and romantic so the effort to perform is not just based on the sex act but the whole thing becomes super exciting so it’s super easy to get it on and enjoy and do more things with security. Like I hear you and just from what you say my old self would have a hard time believing anything I do is actually satisfying to you and I would probably be like him.

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