This husky,chubby,chunky kid (m/17) is sick of it.

Okay so losing weight can be simplified into one thing...math. Its the number of calories you take in that determines how much weight you will lose. First off you need to find your BMR (basal metabolic rate). BMR is the amount of calories your body burns just sitting still. You can google and find a BMR calculator and figure yours out.

Okay so now you have your BMR. Your thinking "What does this have to do with me losing weight"? Basically you have to subtract from the BMR to lose weight. Its really that simple. There is 3500 calories in one pound of fat so if you want to lose a pound a week, 3500/7 (days) equals a -500 deficit every day. This may seem like a lot but trust me it isnt once you see where all your calories are coming from. The app MyFitnessPal is a great tool that helps you track your calories in an easy way.

Next comes exercise. You mentioned that you lift for football and hockey, what sort of plan are you on? If your planning to lose weight you should find a high rep program to retain as much body mass as possible (because you will lose some muscle with the fat). Also you may not like the sound of this, but cardio is extremely helpful. Not only does it get you into shape, it can really tighten you and give you that "toned" look. Cardio is NOT NECESSARY to lose weight but it sure does help.

Ultimately weight loss is hard. It all boils down to discipline and mental strength. Weight Loss IS NOT CONSISTENT. But you have to be consistent. Some weeks you will do everything right and you step on the scale and it seems like nothing happened. DO NOT QUIT. Go look up successful weight loss graphs, they are not linear. Losing weight is all about being consistent and pushing through your weak points.

Lastly I want to give you some helpful tips.

  • Drink Water. Drink Water. Drink Water. Soda is just empty calories. Water helps you feel, look, and perform better. Also it helps you feel full.

  • Take progress pictures and measurements. This can show you that you are making progress and give you motivation even if the scale is giving you problems.

That's about all I got for you. Im gonna tell you how it is. This probably isn't your first attempt at losing weight. I know i have tried and failed multiple times. The number one thing to losing weight is not quitting. Push through when you dont lose wight for 2 weeks in a row. IF you have a bad day so what, go have a great day the next one. Imagine yourself a year from now, What do you want to look like? You have already taken the first step, go out and achieve this goal. Good Luck .

/r/loseit Thread