IamA British TV journalist called Krishnan Guru-Murthy. I do Channel 4 News and the documentary series Unreported World including the new one about Cambodia. You may have seen a couple of my interviews on Youtube! AMA.

IamA British TV journalist called Krishnan Guru-Murthy. I do Channel 4 News and the documentary series Unreported World including the new one about Cambodia. You may have seen a couple of my interviews on Youtube! AMA.

submitted Tue Apr 28 14:35:22 2015 UTC by /u/krishgm


Obviously you've most recently been in the news for your disastrous interview with Robert Downey Jr. We've all seen the video, and Downey's feelings are pretty clear, but did you want to share your side of the story? What were you going for with that line of questioning, what was the rationale behind it?

40pt, /u/ranglin

I've done a pretty long explanation of that in an article in the Guardian yesterday http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/apr/26/krishnan-guru-murthy-channel-4-news-robert-downey-jr

If you have any further questions please come back



9pt, /u/krishgm

We've seen you do a few interviews with Samuel L Jackson and Tarantino that have to do with violence in movies and video games affecting the audience. Whats your opinion on the subject? Do you believe it harms the audience?

7pt, /u/SlightlySadSofa

My personal opinion really doesn't matter and I try not say too much about it. As a news anchor in Britain we are regulated to be unbiased and balanced. So I often pose controversial view points in my questions and people sometimes assume that's what I think, but I'm only ever posing what "some people" might say. Sorry to be boring but if I reveal a personal opinion on one thing, then I where do I stop?! What I would say is that personally I enjoy watching Tarantino movies and I don't think it makes me violent!

11pt, /u/krishgm

if this is the case and you want to remain apolitical and neutral what did you think of Jon Snow commenting on the Israel/Gaza war in the way that he did?

5pt, /u/YungMili

As I recall the video in which he revealed his more personal thoughts was on Youtube not the TV so slightly different to a news broadcast. His main "view" was that killing should stop and was tragic, which is hard to disagree with. Having been to Gaza myself during that period (thankfully during a short ceasefire) it was a heartbreaking conflict to see unfold, regardless of which side you take (if any).

3pt, /u/krishgm

Hi Krishnan, I just read your piece in The Guardian about celebrity interviews (namely, your recent interview with Robert Downey Jr.). I'm wondering, has any big star given you what you wanted from an intervieew and really surprised you?

7pt, /u/runs_with_badger

Lots. I'm very lucky in that I've interviewed a range of artists, actors, musicians and writers over the years. Quite a lot of it now goes onto Youtube. My very first pop star interview with Elvis Costello in 1988 was utterly brilliant and revealing and I still remember it now. Sadly it isn't online! Ever since I've found some people you interview will be surprising and charming and intelligent, and some won't.

6pt, /u/krishgm

Who has been the best person for you to interview? And who would you most like to interview?

6pt, /u/MrDeftino

That's an impossible question! I enjoy talking to people for all sorts of reasons : sometimes big political bust-ups, or celebrity chats. The most satisfying interviews are the ones like those in Unreported World, with remarkable people telling amazing stories of their extraordinary lives

1pt, /u/krishgm

Hi Krishnan, I really enjoyed the Cambodia story. It was very moving indeed. Could you clarify a small question that I didn't really get my head around. Does the reported TV show get high view ratings in Cambodia? Is it so popular that it has become a cultural point of discussion that might be had between strangers there like people in the UK might have about reality TV, or does it have quite a small following? I ask because I wonder how the lady based in the US ever found out it was a 'thing'. Cheers, Ros.

4pt, /u/sickofstatistics

Hi Ros. Hong (from Texas) saw clips of the show on Youtube. Bayon TV have their own channel and put everything on there. There aren't any official ratings in Cambodia so we don't know how many people watch, but anecdotally most people we asked had heard of it. It tends to be watched by the older generation who remember the 1970s, or people in similar circumstances. Every Monday they broadcast appeals, and then every four weeks they do a reunion show.

2pt, /u/krishgm

With only a few days until the election, is there any chance that channel 4 news could discuss the Leveson inquiry and his recommendations?

5pt, /u/YungMili

I'm not sure its much of an election issue - why do you ask?

1pt, /u/krishgm

Do you ever compete with Jon Snow's snappy dress sense?

5pt, /u/Venomousvillainy

Only in the friendliest of ways

4pt, /u/krishgm

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