IamA (I work with elderly people with dementia) AMA!

Hi, My grandfarher, 83 y old, was diagnosed with mixed dementia 2 years ago. My father died 10 years ago cancer (his son) and my grandmother (his wife) died 6 mounths ago. I am taking care of him because i am the only one left (my mother divorced from my father when i was 5 so she doesnt had any relationship with the father part of the family in years). Before the grandmother death his dementia didnt affect him that much, he forgot where he left things, problem with walking balance and a little feeling that he is not home. A year before she died she had a home accident and after surgery she coulnd walk and my grandfather had to take care of the house and her. I was going every week and go shopping and help how i could. Things where ok.. In the last mounth when she got wors my grandfather condition got worsed too by the point where he had moment when he tought that she was his cousin and we have to send her away to her parents. Then i employ someone to live there and take care of them. After my grandmother died his conditon scale a lot and he didint want that person to live there, he wanted to live alone. So i couldnt force him and i arranged at my job to shift for a couple of hours my schedule to go every morning to him to have breakfest and evaluate his condition, to give him pills and so on. When i was at work we talk on the phone every 2 hours to check how he is doing. For 5 mounths every single day a manage it ( was really hard, leaving home at 8 then 2 hours with him then work 8-9 hours then back home and sleep, my live was only that couldnt go anywhere and do anything but the harddest part was the worry, constant worry "what if she fold", "what if he run away", that thing was making me very uneasy, couldnt sleep nights, cant focusing on my work, had this worring ideeas couple time per hours). Maybe in this point i have to explain that i'm not leaving in well developed country and the elder homes are really really bad, even the private ones where you pay a lot. In a room of a home bedroom dimension are 4 beds - 4 people living, poor care, very poor and they sedate them a lot so they sleep all they, i mean i visit a place where was 23 elders, my time of visit was at 11am i saw no one outside and all of them "sleeping" in theirs bads. So all of this chaos in my life and the risk taken to let him alone was to protect him and try to avoid those places. In the last month things got really bad, he start to fall in the house, see things that are not there, started to search for my grandma, he even left home to go to the hospital where he tought she was. I was licky that my neighbor was there and stopped him until i arrive. He cuttet his hand in a fance and i wad to go to hospital for treatment. Now because he cant even walk any more again i employ someone to stay there full time and take care of him, change dipers, give him meals. His condition is progressing real fast and he become agresive time to time. Its hard for me to see pure malice when he talk to me, he even swear to me one time because i dont go to hospital and bring my grandmother home.. Its really hard to see him this way.. The pills are keep him from being very agressive. Now me and the lady (care person) who lives there face this problem: every day even a couple times per day he starts to say he want to go home. He can even walk but he didnt appear to know that and he start to become angry but the thing is that he is home, he never even left home. We tried everything, playint along "yes we will go later because now its raining our something" or try to convince him that is home, showing him the objects familiar but he always say " i have exacly the same thing at home too". Its frustrating... Any advise please? This morning for example wake up and he thing he is in a cabin at some mountin and of course he want to go home.... Thank you for reading my story and sorry for my english.

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