If anyone is going to agree with this little rant, it's you guys.

I've often wondered the same thing and the sad truth is that most people don't care enough to understand how to change the disgusting economic disparity in this country (even though it effects them more than the legalization of marijuana or some other social issue>Sometimes I wish that people paid just half the attention to economic issues that they do to social issues. In my lifetime, this country's policies have become more liberal socially, but wayyyy more conservative economically. Which isn't really a net gain, I'm sorry but it isn't.

Personally, I was in favor of marriage equality back when almost nobody was, and it never made any sense to me for one second how it was even an issue in the first place. I am very glad that society is finally moving past this antiquated, right-wing Christian bullshit.

But at the same time I have to ask: How many people are going to be lifted out of poverty thanks to marriage equality? How many people from poor families will be able to afford a college education without taking on decades of debt as a result of legalized marijuana? How many people will be spared from having to treat a health decision as a financial decision as a result of the taking down of some confederate flag? Honestly, i think that in another decade we'll probably be at a point where we could have a transgendered President, which is great in and of itself, but ultimately won't mean shit if they are going to continue to let policies on environmental and labor issues be mostly dictated by a handful of large corporations.

Every year, the wealth and political power in this country becomes more concentrated into the hands of a small group of billionaires, and this trend shows no sign of slowing down whatsoever. I hope there will be a day when everyone on Facebook changes their profile picture at once to address this issue.

I know that it's easier to get passionate about an issue that is easier to wrap your head around, but realize that the more boring/confusing issues are usually the issues which actually have a much greater effect on the everyday lives of most people.

Sometimes I wish that people paid just half the attention to economic issues that they do to social issues. In my lifetime, this country's policies have become more liberal socially, but wayyyy more conservative economically. Which isn't really a net gain, I'm sorry but it isn't.

Personally, I was in favor of marriage equality back when almost nobody was, and it never made any sense to me for one second how it was even an issue in the first place. I am very glad that society is finally moving past this antiquated, right-wing Christian bullshit.

But at the same time I have to ask: How many people are going to be lifted out of poverty thanks to marriage equality? How many people from poor families will be able to afford a college education without taking on decades of debt as a result of legalized marijuana? How many people will be spared from having to treat a health decision as a financial decision as a result of the taking down of some confederate flag? Honestly, i think that in another decade we'll probably be at a point where we could have a transgendered President, which is great in and of itself, but ultimately won't mean shit if they are going to continue to let policies on environmental and labor issues be mostly dictated by a handful of large corporations.

Every year, the wealth and political power in this country becomes more concentrated into the hands of a small group of billionaires, and this trend shows no sign of slowing down whatsoever. I hope there will be a day when everyone on Facebook changes their profile picture at once to address this issue.

I know that it's easier to get passionate about an issue that is easier to wrap your head around, but realize that the more boring/confusing issues are usually the issues which actually have a much greater effect on the everyday lives of most people.

), but when it comes to social issues its something almost any one can seem educated and well versed in!

/r/SandersForPresident Thread