If you complain about “Toxic Masculinity” and make small dick jokes you need to be quiet

Those jokes you make are exactly what OP is talking about. You are mocking the people that annoy you but your insults are hitting different people. You are using having a small dick as an insult so therefore from your comment having a small dick is implied as being negative. Lets say you are in a car with a person who is ashamed of their dick size. Then as you two drive past some loud car speeding by you make a small dick joke. The joke you make is meant to mock the driver of the other car but the person who is potentially hurt is the person with you as they are now thinking about how they have a small dick and it is apparently a bad thing, as said by you. So now imagine everyone makes jokes like yours where the punch line of the joke is small dick. It literally passes on the sentiment to others that having a small dick is bad. You say you absolutely think that people shouldn't be mocked because of something they can't control, yet while not directly mocking those people your jokes are targetting them.

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