If you have a flat stomach then you can not possibly be obese

I'm pretty sure I'm one of these "healthy" by BMI but obese by bf%. I never practiced any sports in high school (or middle school for that matter). I never was active. Now I'm willing myself to exercise, and it's becoming somewhat of a routine thankfully. Still not that pleasant, but I feel a little bit compelled to do it if I skip a few days. I struggle with weight lifting, though. I'm still doing it at home, with light weights, and I can't for the life of me improve the reps or weights. Where are my noob gains?! I'm way less into lifting because I. Can't. Make. Progress.
I'm also crawling closer to that BMI of 20.3. I'll have to think of body recomposition/bulking then, but... Sigh... That means more weightlifting doesn't it?

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