If NASA had the US military's Budget (Not Mine)

You're getting emotional for no reason. Calm down and try to have a calm discussion and don't use your caps lock key. All these people are long dead, no one has a connection to them anymore. You would not get this passionate if we were discussing ancient Rome or Napoleonic France.

Abolishment in America came after secession but slavery was part of the reason that the civil war happened. The abolishment movement did not spring out of nowhere.


Now then. My point that I should have expanded on is that is that it doesn't really matter what the common soldier believed. It almost never does, the rich and the powerful always drive things forward. It was in the interests of rich Americans that slavery remain legal. The American Revolution while often portrayed as plucky underdogs with the founding fathers all noble salt of the earth men who believed in pure ideals is no different. And just to be clear I am not trying to revise history to make the UK the good guys. There were good people on both sides as is the case of most wars but self-interest and greed as always is more powerful than lofty ideals.

Nor was it all about Slavery. Even then that was more of a Southern Colony thing than a Northern one. There is a reason common pop history focuses on the North in the American Revolution. But it was a factor, I am mostly opposed to the idea that it was over the "no taxation without representation" and desire for liberty. This is over-simplified. No conflict has ever started for such neat reasons.

It is 3am in the UK. I am going to bed. You can read this and this if you like. I think they oversimplify it too but the truth often lies in the middle.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it