If there's one thing I've learned from the RedditLFG# channels, it's that the reddit community is insanely toxic.

Well, isn't it a bit narrow minded to call people that mock his PhD "anti -intellectual idiots"?

First off one of my friends is studying Psychology, also plays LoL and does not like the way Lyte handles stuff. We went and talked to some of his teachers and people working on their PhDs and most of them said it's a bad way to handle "toxicity". Guess what, Lyte is not the only person with a PhD in Neuroscience and different people might have different opinions on the same subject. And they can all be wrong.

There are some people that simply don't see the value in a PhD. Most of the time, the only thing a PhD provides is fulfillment and bragging rights.

I'm not sure if you've been through an University or better yet, a decent field. You start getting literally bombarded with PhD opportunities, both national and international, 1 year before even graduating or starting a Master. Even the students that were not ABLE to finish and had to start year 4 a second time had 1 or 2 offers a month. If you are having trouble getting into a PhD, you probably studied something useless.

Let's also talk incentive to get a PhD. Besides the time commitment, you also have to spend some coin on a PhD even if it's only the hall, food and equipment for your presentation. What you get in my country for having a PhD is a 2-4% wage increase. It would take more than 20 years to get back the upfront money you paid JUST FOR THE PRESENTATION. That is not something even financially viable for most people.

I wish I could say that I was privileged in only being around "smart" people to get this view but then again, I saw my sister study 3 years in high school for Psychology and then deciding literally in the day she had to sign up for a University that she wants to do Biology (Biochemistry) instead. She literally had 0 Chemistry, Biology, Physics or Mathematics for the last 2 years of high school yet she just got a PhD in Molecular Biology at 25 while clubbing every single night since she was 18. I don't even want to start to imagine what the fuck you people are doing that you find having a PhD anything more than having a title.

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