Thought Catalog: Why Good People Ghost. Are millennials too damaged by the modern dating culture to pair off effectively?

Hell yes millennials are damaged. They ghost, they spin plates, they cling to years long FWBs instead of even trying to find something real, they "date" with one foot out the door and they're all in a sick competition to see just who can actually care less.

Abundance mentality is somewhat born out of that. People have these insatiable need to show everyone else that they can walk at any time, that they have the least investment, that they can "do better" if they really tried....

Dating for millennials is a fucking shit show. If you're not "seeing" as many people at a time as you possibly can, then you've already lost.

Of course then you get people of both genders barely investing anything emotionally, dragging their feet and generally not seeming very interested in one another from a personal standpoint.

On top of that, man yare shallow, greedy and oftentimes delusional. Not just about looks or "self", but about everything. You have people thinking they can't consider an LTR until they find that one perfect person who provides 100% of their spiritual nourishment and fulfills their every emotional need from day one.

And if it looks like you might have to put forth a little bit of effort? nah, fuck that. Millennials don't want to life a finger to do shit. Better to just keep doing the bare minimum and expect a top notch partner to just fall into your lap.

No one and nothing is ever good enough for a lot of people these days and they constantly have their eyes out for the next best thing. Men and women alike have a level of exposure to their so-called "options" that previous generations could never even fathom. Whether it's realistic or not. And no, this is not just a problem of those scheming, hypergamous whores either, nor is it exclusive to the Chad's of the world.

Porn, social media, dating apps....all day every day we are exposed to people or potential partners that make everyone else suddenly look like mere "settling".

TRP likes to say this is because everyone wants to secure the "best possible mate" but what that was 30 years ago and what it is today are two totally different things. The best possible mate no longer means "the best you can realistically do". Now it means the best possible mate anybody ever could do. Regardless of your own offerings. And when the harsh reality of that not being the case finally sets in, people get resentful and angry about it.

But worst of all, no one wants to openly say they're looking for a relationship; to admit to such today is seen as some sort of pathetic admission of failure. People look at you like you're some needy, annoying child. You're weak. "What, you mean you actually want to get serious?? Why can't you just be happy constantly having meaningless casual sex and shallow conversations like the rest of us!?".

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread