I'll wake up in a reality where I'm young and successful

I have made multiple plans and analysed all the scenarios

1) if I study geology I won't able to work given the hours are crazy. So I would get my degree at 31 with no job experience and just a few contacts. This considering geology market is not good and I live in a thirld world country. Also if I do this and fail, I won't be able to change careers because with 30 and no relevant experience you are out of any market. It also doesn't help that careers are really long in Argentina.

2) if I study computer science there's a chance I can get a job at 26 in the first year of my career. But if I get the job I won't be able to keep studying because the timelines would not fit. So I would not be able to educate myself and I would end up in a dead end programming job. I'm also close of being out of the programming market for good since most of them don't hire people over 28/29, so I should be looking for a job asap.

Either way I am completely fucked. My life is over. I should have never stopped studying despite being sick

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