ILPT Request : How do I mess someone’s life up, but not too bad?

Do you have a pet? Feed your pet some off food (enough to make them sick, or hell, if you don't like them, die) and pour some of your brothers stash on the floor as if the pet had got in to it.

Ask him them for some drugs to take your mind off of the loss of your pet and fake a seizure. Extra points if while flailing you hit him in the face. Double points if you do it as your talking to him about how you've just lost a friend who overdosed on a bad batch. Turn to walk away, and say "I love you man. No matter what, no matter how bad you screw up, I'll always love you, you're my little bro". And then bam, seizure. They're pretty easy to fake, remember to not breath while doing it, seizures stop breathing.

Bonus points if you post a sad picture of the sick/dead pet on Facebook and tag him with " I have no clue what I'm going to do with out my little furry friend. I'm at a complete loss, my life is forever ruined"

/r/IllegalLifeProTips Thread