Im 16 an need help with fitness.

I will help you!

I can only help you so much though. You are the only one living your life. Not me or any other user, or your father. Just you. There will be a day when your father is gone and you will have to be your own man. Dark, I know.. But it's the truth. At 16, I knew this and I hope that you have some understanding of this truth yourself.

.. Read that part again because it is very important.

Ok, good. Now.. moving on.

There are 3 important things you need to understand about 'fitness'. Nutrition. Fat. Muscle.

Nutrition. Your body is will only be what it needs to be. If you eat and eat and eat, your body will adapt. It will need to hold all of that excess energy, and it does so in the form of FAT. If you work and work and work, your body will adapt and it will do so in the form of adding muscle so that the work gets easier. It's really that simple. I can't teach you everything about nutrition. Personally, I have been aware and eager to learn for 8 years and I have a fraction of the nutritional knowledge that is available - but it has still been enough to get me to where I am today, so don't be discouraged. You can do it too.

Fat. Fat isn't bad. Fat is really good actually. It holds an abundance of energy and minerals that are crucial to a bodies needs. This is why fat is stored the way it is - because it is extremely energy dense and has many minerals that the human body needs. See, the body creates fat as a way to store energy and minerals that the body doesn't need at that point in time to be used later. This is why fat is burned first when eating at a caloric deficit (read and memorize the wiki, every user here will scream at you to do so) because it contains so much nutrients that the body wouldn't be getting otherwise.

Muscle. Muscles are just organs. It's tissue. All they do is contract. Luckily, muscles in the human body are attached to our skeleton in ways that allow us to it. Take the bicep muscle. Look how it attaches to the shoulder and the forearm. Really look at it. Think about it. Study it. All it does is contract, and that brings the wrist toward the shoulder. When you relax the bicep muscles, the forearm can return and the wrist will move away from the shoulder. It's that simple. Muscles are easy.

Remember at the start of the post when I told you that the body will only be what it needs to be? Well, if you sit around doing nothing all day.. Muscles don't have a very strong purpose aside from moving you from point A to point B. Fat will be stored because, hey, you are eating all this stuff but there is so much extra energy in the food that your body will just store it for later use.. smart right? not too bad.

But here is the other side of that coin. Because if you work your body, and put it through hell, those muscles we talked about earlier are going to grow - because they need to if you are working your body. The fat in your body will be used up for energy and minerals and it will disappear. Slowly, but it will disappear.

This is a process. Over time of healthy eating and work, your body will adapt. The body will be what it needs to be. If it needs huge muscles because you are lifting at your absolute maximum potential - it will become strong. If it needs to create fat to store all of the excess food energy you are consuming, it will create fat.

It's ridiculously simple once you get the hang of it - but you need to get the hang of it. Doing a couple pushups won't force your body to adapt. You need to do pushups until your muscles can't move your skeleton that way anymore, until it fails.

Your body will only change when it is forced to do so. To get fit and in shape, you need to have the mental toughness to force your body to do the work that is required for change.

Never stop learning, and never stop working. Good luck.

/r/Fitness Thread