I'm 17, my mother is emotionally abusive, someone please tell me how to deal with this

Hi, first off I'm so sorry you're experiencing this! I rarely comment on reddit but felt the need to reply to you because I've experienced some very similar stuff at a comparable age (I was a bit younger). Your post was eerily similar.

I found something to focus on and it really helped give me a life outside of the abusive one I was living. I was very school oriented, so I focussed time on learning and doing well in school. I was younger so that involved all of those childlike science experiments, books and games... but there's nothing stopping you from learning something new for your age! I also immersed myself in my piano and reading. Basically, I suggest finding something new and make it your passion! What do you like? Learning like I did? Music? Art? Sports? Cooking? Nature? If you don't know what you like, try something - you never know. You could even focus your time now on focusing your interests towards your eventual college route, so find something science based if you've dreamed of becoming a doctor. Like you can see... endless options! My point is that there's a life outside of what you endure with your mom. You're your own person, and you should cater to that first. It's really hard to change someone acting the way you described... you can only change your reactions. And one of those reactions is taking care of YOU!

As for any other fights and conflicts: just ignore it and don't escalate. When you're a bit older you can work this through, but right now enjoy being a kid. It's not your role to mend the relationship. I tried that and it robbed me of my childhood.

Hope this helps! Inbox me with anything you like.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread