I'm an INFJ that is totally infatuated with one of your kind (ENTP).

I'm curious, What are your experience or opinions when it comes to any relationship you have had with an INFJ (could be as a friend or a partner) please share your experiences! For me, it almost seems too good to be true that I'm almost crossing my fingers that it might actually be too good to be true (I'm an INFJ with de-attachment issues :p)

Here's my experience so far, I met this assumed ENTP mate and by far, he has penetrated all the walls that I've built with his terrible nerdy cuteness. After getting to know him, I noticed we have very different interests and methods of rationalizing things. He's into programming cool shiet to make this world a better place, while I'm more into the arts taking pictures,blogging cool shiet in hopes to inspire and make this world a better place. But despite our different interests, we both have a creative mind and intend to make this world a better place one way or another. We also both have our different methods of searching for the "truth of things" but oddly enough, we similarly come to a similar conclusion or solution for things. I'm extremely attracted to the fact that he uses scientific evidence to rationalize almost everything (Scratch out almost.. He definitely has fact for everything -_-). Which is entirely different for myself, for I use my collection of inner-worldly almost spiritual experiences and unbiased observations to rationalize things. It's kind of funny how it seems like despite our difference approach to coming up with the same conclusion or opinion, it almost feels like we are one super-human being. He completes my thoughts by providing evidence ("oh yeah, I can see why that makes sense..Did you know that...") and it drives me wild each time he runs off on tangents. He feeds my curiosity that my INFJ flaw is lazy to do research because we trust our judgements. *(I must admit that I'm lazy in doing outside research because I'm pretty carefree, strong sense of self awareness and so I trust my judgement until proven wrong.. a bit philosophical in my approach while he is more scientific!). I truly enjoy his company and could potentially see us long-term. What I want to know is, what are your opinions being with an INFJ? Feel free to share any of your experience!

/r/entp Thread Link - reddit.com