I'm curious as to your thoughts on an active LDS licensed sex therapist counseling LDS clients, specifically when that counsel might be contrary to the standards of the church.

I hesitate to reply because I think this could become another moan fest regurgitating the same gripes and platitudes, but I will try to say something new. Some background I think is relevant: I joined the church well into my adulthood and have strong, exclusive same-gender attraction. or even I attend a family ward for geographic reasons. I'm active in my ward despite the fact their is no incentive for me to be so apart from what Heavenly Father has promised. I didn't join the church because of someone I was dating, etc. I don't keep going to various meetings because I have children in primary. I joined because the church was true, and it is true.]

This may seem obvious, but none of the general authorities speaking at general conferences are psychotherapists talking with individuals about their sex lives in the privacy of an office. When they speak, they are addressing millions, even billions, of people. This is often forgotten. A sweeping statement against sexual activity outside marriage and against uninhibited thoughts and behavior is necessary. OK, so what about a magazine article meant for adults only? That might be worth looking into, but still, would advice and examples appropriate for one culture necessarily be appropriate for all cultures? Maybe some cultures don't have as much sexual dysfunction related to guilt about masturbation, for example, but if you go to those cultures or some countries with a vague neutral-to-positive message about masturbation and "sexuality" outside marriage, it may be harmful. Many men get a vasectomy even in Utah despite church policies, but passionate sex that has nothing to do with having children could be a luxury in some places. In other words, this discussion could be culture-centric or reflect the interests of people who have the ability the pay hundreds of dollars for safe sterilization or STD treatment and who may even have 40+ years of life left after menopause. We shouldn't be talking about the world as if everyone lived on a pinhead and faced the same risks with the same resources. If there has to be one message for everyone, because when a prophet speaks people will listen wherever they are, a very broad message about chastity may be needed. Individuals can go see a sex therapist if they feel they need to.

Sometimes what general authorities say does strike me as being psychologically uninformed, but that's fine. Nobody in the Presidency or the Quorum of the Twelve claims to be a psychologist. They are prophets, seers, and revelators, which brings me to: The argument that masturbation actually causes a lack of self-control in other areas (is not merely correlated with that lack) is somewhat strange. If there is a commandment specifically against masturbation (no matter how moderate), we should follow it regardless of "science," similar to how we should follow the Word of Wisdom despite supposed benefits of drinking a glass of wine. I don't know anyone here and don't questioning anyone's testimony, but the idea that people would have to cite studies about masturbation and impulse control in a forum like this is actually suggestive of revelation, faith and the Holy Spirit taking a backseat to other priorities. Yet, it's not clear in 2015 that such a strict commandment against masturbation is even taught for the most part.

I joined the church well into my adulthood. Over the years, I have heard masturbation alluded to occasionally, but pornography has always been part of the context.

/r/latterdaysaints Thread