I'm going to finally start saving money by eliminating all of the things I don't need.

Worth the down votes I may get for this:

Start vaping. I was a very, very heavy smoker from 18-28. It turned into a 2 pack a day habit for most of the time, and at times was higher.

Short term, vaping gives you back taste, and oh god it's amazing. If you're starting to get smoker phlegm, or if you ever have trouble breathing it'll disappear in about a week if your experience is anything like mine. More importantly, you'll be able to control your nicotine intake - start off with a medium/high amount of nicotine, and move down every few months. Once you get low enough, vape without any nicotine until you don't have any cravings.

Cost of entry is pretty low these days. I'd suggest the Kanger sub-ohm kit, it's about 80 in total, and check out the forums for a few taste options for liquid. It's also kind of embarrassing to do because of the Vape Nation bullshit, so if you're anything like me you'll do it less just because of that.

Been smoke and vape free for about a year now, probably couldn't have done it otherwise. Trying to go cold turkey was always hell, and ended in me smoking more the week after I gave in to "just one more."

/r/personalfinance Thread