I'm making a change, could use advice :) -18yo295lbs

Hey man, congrats on deciding it's time to make a change! I wish you all the best. The first advice I would give is to understand weight loss is a lifestyle change. You must overcome your previous dietary and sedentary habits.This will be difficult and there will be setbacks but if you are truly dedicated change is possible. That being said it is extremely difficult to make dramatic changes towards your lifestyle all at once.Most people who attempt to do this quickly get fed up and fall back into previous routines. In my experience those who make dramatic weight changes and keep the weight off progressively make changes, always attempting to improve from week to week. If you thinks this is a good idea I would suggest accurately attempting to measure your current status and go from there. For example, next week eat as you normally would but count your calories. Then make a small change from this starting point. So if you determine your average daily caloric intake is around 2,800 calories than attempt the next week to reduce your caloric intake to 2,500 calories not an unbearable 1,500 calories. If you keep making small changes each week eventually you will get down to 1,500 calories and it will be more manageable. Last bit of advice would be to actually count every calorie because otherwise weight loss is very difficult. Your dietary plan seems to be centered around healthy foods which is good, but this does not guarantee weight loss. You could still gain weight eating these foods if you eat too much. If you would like more advice on physical activity and diet to induce weight loss just let me know. Best of luck!

-Oh final thing, set small manageable goals to get you to your total weight loss goal of 100kg. Try something like in 6 months you want to reduce your overall weight by 10% (dramatic health improvements come from 10% weight reduction) then from there break it down even smaller lose 5 pounds in the 1st month. After that set ways to achieve that goal. Example: reduce caloric intake by 200 calories, walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes at 3mph 3 days of the week

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