It's Not Just the Poor Who Can't Make Rent. New research from Harvard says that even renters with annual incomes of $45,000 face unaffordable rents in many cities, with potentially far-reaching effects.

Millennials totally don't get the concept of not having stuff.

Older people went through lean times, just like you. Sure, there were lots of people with good jobs back then, but not everybody could get one. My wife and I had income that would be considered minimal even by today's standards.

How did we cope? We used a long-forgotten technique called not having stuff.

By not having the latest electronics, or gym memberships, or frequent meals in restaurants, we got the rent paid, and managed to stay afloat until our situation improved. It seemed like we'd be poor forever, but things worked out.

And you know the funny part about the not having stuff method? It teaches you that you never needed that shit in the first place.

We're now in our late 50s, and have an enviable savings and no debt. I'd kind of like a new car. Not only that, but I could pay cash for a very nice vehicle and never miss the money. You know why I don't get one? Because I don't NEED it. It's just something I'd like. When my 14-year-old Ford dies on me, I'll get what I want. We have an old CRT television, and I'd like a nice new LCD. They're not even very expensive. Guess why we haven't bought one. Go ahead, I've already given you clues.

You need a cell phone. I'll grant you that. These are different times. I have one. It's a Tracfone, and the monthly cost is less than $9.

If you're posting your sob story on your new iPhone, I'm not listening.

Sorry, but being young has always meant having less, struggling, and postponing the things you want. It has ALWAYS been that way. You do not have any claim on a luxury lifestyle. It's something that most people have to work their way up to. Sure, there are some young rich people, but if you're not one of them, just accept that, and keep working toward your goals.

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