I'm not made for this shit.

yeah, i'd talk to her. i had an SO who didn't talk to me about this very subject until it was too late. Well, it wasn't too late, he just never talked about the conflict he was having. So when we finally did break up he piled a HUGE list of complaints on me that I had no idea were issues!

That is absolutely not okay. When you're in a relationship and you don't talk about your issues, then you don't value the relationship or the person you are in a relationship with. When you don't value the relationship or person you are with enough to try to resolve issues, you're both better off getting out.

I was like your SO and had a hard time talking to my SO but could talk to strangers with ease. I could talk to strangers because they could talk to me. They didn't accuse me of saying things I didn't say. They didn't judge me for not knowing about something. It was easier to talk to strangers because my SO DIDN'T talk to me about life or stuff or any thing. In the beginning, I tried to initiate conversations but my SO would not show any interest or they would take something I said, personally or the wrong way. I would try to clarify and they would stay stuck on what they assumed I was thinking or feeling. My SO just couldn't move past their own ideas and actually hear me. So eventually, I shut down and stopped trying to talk to them about things I found interesting. Which was really sad because I love talking about things I am passionate about or don't know about but want to learn.

If I were you, I'd either face the conflict you are having with your SO and talk about it. Or face the conflict and break up. Really, those are your only choices, when you think about it.

I was devastated to have spent as many years as I did in a relationship with someone I found out only after it was over, who did not actually like me very much.

good luck OP! be brave!

/r/offmychest Thread