I'm not really hurting for the money, but it's just the principal of the matter.

Yeah, no. That's not what I said at all. Did you read what I said? I'm not going to sit and argue with you, but one of these days you may find yourself on the other end of a child support agreement, I'm sure you'll find it totally fair and just. The laws are totally not set up in a way to hold fathers down. No, not at all. I mean, it totally makes sense to take their drivers licenses away if they miss a payment. I mean, who needs one of those to make money? Or busses run until 6pm Monday through Saturday! That's good enough! And if they still can't make their payments despite all the help we give them, let's put them in jail while the charges add up every day they sit helpless to do a goddamn thing about it.

I never once said he was an angel. I never once said he was blameless. Of course he had a hand in the child's conception. Of course he should have a hand in raising him. But the deck is stacked against him every step of the damn way and it hurts to see him try so hard and get knocked down over and over again.

He had money in the bank a few months back that he was going to use to pay his support. He made the mistake of telling his case worker that he needed to go to the bank to get it out and send it in. She put a lock on his account and took all the money in his account. Not that huge a deal, it was going to them anyway, but geez they couldn't wait one freaking day for him to get a ride to the bank to get it out so they did that. And what happened? It took weeks for the money to get to the mother and thus made him late on his payment. This made the mother angry and he didn't get to see his kid that month. That ALWAYS makes him depressed. This kind of shit happens all the damn time. They will do anything they can to make things as difficult as they can for the fathers it seems.

I really don't know when this became me defend him, but that's not what my point was. My point was the system is not fair. I brought his situation up because I wanted to point out that not every father who had trouble paying is just a lazy asshole.

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