I'm sick of being told I'm "privileged".

For race issues to be fixed, people with racial privilege (i.e. white people) need to stand up and take responsibility for the privilege they've got.

Tell me again how skin color makes someone privileged. Or tell that some snowwhite irish or slav in ontrast to a well-educated black man from london.

Or all those white guys beeing disadvanaged in universities just because they've got a dick and the wrong skin color to not fit into a favourable race-equality-quota even with way better grades.

Or white farmers in Simbabwe, while they getting killed after making it africas breadbasket.

For gender issues to be fixed, people with gender privilege (i.e. men and cis-gendered people) need to stand up and take responsibility for the privilege they've got.

Yeah, women certainly should stand up for the fucking oppression men have daily to endure. From getting their penis mutilated as a newborn to paying for someone else child-support and not even have a refuge in case of domestic violence becomes that's totally something women don't do. /s

Or you know? Everybody should stand up for everybody without first checking your stupid privilege-crap.

For mental health inequalities to be fixed, people with that privilege (i.e. neurotypicals) need to stand up and take responsibility for their privilege.

Since when is being healthy a privilege? It's the fucking norm. We don't need people who don't know shit about mental health liking bullshit on facebook and attention whoring "in our name". We only need professionals, medication and acceptance.

People like you don't make anything better but even worse while dividing humans into some special privilege-boxes.

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