Imagine trying to give 100% at work

I've never been a fan of doing something "nice" or "good" in hopes of getting a reward. Motivations and intentions behind good actions mean a lot to me and they never feel like they're actually good if it's self serving. I wonder if this has anything to do with my thoughts on work in general.

Never kill yourself at work. You're most likely in a position where you're a modern serf. Pushing papers and product, not worth. If your job is repetitive and on a computer, look into setting up a bot for it so you can go in and chill. If you're not allowed to plug anything into it or download things without consent, I don't recommend looking into a usb rubber ducky and ignoring them and the law. For reference, you can set a bot up to do tons of spreadsheets and excel things. There's even opportunities to do so on fiver. Set it for realistic human speeds or make it go as fast as possible. Uh oh, did someone say use web scraping libraries to make it look like you're being active on the internet?

I fuckin hate work. I've been thinking of setting up some GUI programs for anyone to be able to easily set up bots for specific tasks so they can do this. Would put up a repo for this on Github so it can be free, open source, and under a MIT license because fuck working on passionless corporation shit. I'm definitely that one guy who sets up automation for everything. Idk why I do it but I do. If it's repetitive and possible for an automated program to do, I spend more time making one than the task would take because I'm sure as hell not doing it next time.

Everyone should be able to game the current system by pretending they're soullessly working to death when all they do is occasionally check to make sure a program hasn't gone wonky. It's only fair. Everyone should have more time for personal activities and scientific pursuits.

Fuck society's work culture. It's bullshit. I only like where I'm at because it's a research and development internship position. The moment they start telling me research and experiments need to be done or there'll be consequences, BAM, where'd I go?

/r/antiwork Thread Link -