Incel kills again

i’ve never posted on a sub but i feel like i should say this, first of all this is extremely sad. rest in peace to the people that were killed this shit is so fucked up. who in their right fucking mind gets so angry about people not wanting them that they become a murderer ??? i just don’t understand this mentality that a lot of incels have, they get so lonely they become angry and violent. im a girl that hasn’t been wanted by boys for the entire time i’ve been attracted to them n yeah sometimes i get slightly resentful especially if i see a girl that i know isn’t a good person getting bf on top of bf meanwhile literally no one wants to even try to speak to me or get to know me just because i’m not pretty enough but i never get genuinely fucking angry over this?? ya i’m lonely n i think about boys all the time but i don’t wanna kill them? i love boys i just wish they loved me back. i will never understand this whole “i want u but u don’t want me so now i’m gonna kill random ppl of the same sex as u” mentality how does that make sense to anyone ..

/r/Trufemcels Thread