Information Warfare in League of Legends - Weldon

Though I think its pretty minor in the case of killing a guy who DCs, I have heard from a scripter in high diamond the same justification when I asked him why he scripts. He said, he takes any advantage he can to get ahead, and because he has good access to some undetected scripts he'll use it. I have even head similar justification from people who talk about elo boosting in a duo queue with a higher level player on a smurf, saying its an available opportunity that Riot doesn't seem to care about, and why shouldn't I take advantage of it when I have high elo friends?

To me though ultimately this is a game, and even though I'm D3, I have no intention or delusion of ever going pro, the chances of me becoming good enough are astronomically low, and even if I somehow do the rewards for the effort I don't think are worth it. Since the majority of us are in this same position, ultimately what you play the game for should be fun because rank really means absolutely nothing to anyone else but yourself. To some climbing to silver out of bronze after 3 years is an accomplishment worth celebrating, and to others going from platinum to diamond, and yet others unless they can play on an LCS team they think of themselves as failures or look for redemption. All are fine in my opinion, and its not our position to judge what someone values from a game.

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