Just to share my experience, I've worked with an ESTJ supervisor, and frankly, it was really difficult. They're incredibly action-oriented and tend to focus on the bottom line, while INFPs generally care more about the process and what's learned from it. The ESTJ I know isn't cold by any means, but they're not very sympathetic when it comes to business. That is, they don't really care why something didn't get done - they just know that it isn't done, and they need that to be fixed. They demand direct communication, while INFPs are fine beating around the bush if it avoids tension.

Dunno how familiar you are with cognitive functions, but it's important to note that INFPs have dominant introverted feeling (Fi), while it's inferior in ESTJs. That is, the ESTJ doesn't want to pay attention to their own feelings because that might impede on what's concrete. They aren't bad, but the way they operate can be particularly grating to an INFP (and vice versa).

So while a relationship between the two could work just as any other pairing, it's frankly not one that I'd bet would go well. It requires a mutual understanding of each other and a willingness to compromise on a lot.

/r/infp Thread