The saying "9 to 5 type job" needs to be updated to "8 to 5 type job" for a more accurate reflection of what working in Corporate America is like.

My experience is completely anecdotal so take this with a grain of salt.

I did a degree in biomedical science and now I do bar work. Not highly paid bar work, since this is the UK i get minimum wage. Admittedly I got an average degree, so we could chalk this down to my education results.

My coursemate got a high score in his (same) degree. He struggled for 9 months to get a job because he was holding out for a graduate entry level job with a 1st class degree requirement. He didn't get one. He then took an entry level job at a bank to build his CV and after a few months he got an entry level job at an accountants (what he wanted. Not his degree but he's in this purely for the money). Fast forward two months to today and he's set to quit in a month because he didn't get education he was promised, payment is late and he has no interaction whatsoever throughout the day (all the while actually paying LESS than his bank job).

Other notable mentions in my degree-friend group that love near me is working in call centres (various - government and commercial/OT helpline). One guy dropped out of university, worked his ass off for a year and negotiated mimimum wage out of a voluntary position at a science place he loves. Fair play to him, that took some serious work. Then you have people who didn't go to university in my circle. Most have went to do IT helpline work. One guy works in food packaging, etc. Two guys have made it so far - one did an engineering course and now he earns around £24k a year at 22. I don't know how much the other guy earns but he works with his family as safety inspectors and rake in the cash. My coursemate's friends from home all work for a car manufacturer and have progressed to office work making ~£11 an hour. Which is looking really good in my books right now.

Nowadays when I see people and ask how they are and they say things like "Oh I just started as a neonatal nurse/biomedical scientist/teacher/manager at XYZ" and I can't help but wonder how they even progressed to get that job and I can't get replies that aren't automated half the time.

I'll end up deleting this by tomorrow so people I know don't recognise this since I've gone ahead and listed different jobs down.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread Parent