Insecure about my body after finding my bf’s porn stash

Thanks, it’s always nice to know I’m not alone and crazy in feeling a certain way. I think you may benefit from reading some of the comments on this thread - they certainly helped me.

Some takeaways are: - your bf loves you for you, and that includes everything from your looks to your personality and anything else that makes you who you are. Sure, he may like certain physical traits that you don’t have but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t love what you have. - many men like to watch porn that doesn’t remind them of their gfs. they don’t want to be reminded of random naked girls online when they’re looking at their gf, or don’t want to be reminded of their gf when they’re looking at girls getting pounded by random dudes- - porn is just a fantasy and doesn’t necessarily correlate to what the person wants in real life.

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