Islamophobes of reddit, how many of you have actually sat down and read the Quran?

I'm gonna give this a fair chance, so here I go. I'm writing this upon my personal experience and how I look at this. So hear me out.

I was in love with a muslim girl, for a very long time. I don't believe in a God even though I was brought up in a very extremely religious conditions.

I read the Quran twice. Once when I was a kid, growing up in a school where I was taught from every religious book that there was. The second, when I met the girl I mentioned in the first place. I read it because I wanted to be open more to her world. I still use an android application which gives me verse for the day and the time for salah, even though I don't follow Islam only because I want to learn about it.

There is no place for a religion in this world. Let me explain why..

  1. If it preaches bias, favouritism and segregation of any kind, it's not a good religion. Now People might reply to this saying they know a lot of peaceful Muslims, which is very true, the question is how reasonable are they..? There is no freedom of thought when the thought police killed what little freedom a kid has while growing up, telling him what to think and how to think.

  2. If you cherry pick what a religion brings to the table, then it's "your version of the religion" and not the religion in question.

Let me pose a couple of questions I wish OP would answer.

  1. Let's say a muslim girl is in love with a non believer, a person who doesn't believe in a God of any kind. Is it acceptable in the eyes of a muslim for a man and woman who love each other live together when the man is a kuffar..? Of course not. The man has to convert to Islam to spend a life with a person he loves.

If it teaches bias and favouritism when it comes to a simple human act of love, how do you want me to defend it saying it is a religion of peace.

  1. As for what Quran says about bringing the war upon the non believers, If you call your self a muslim and don't bring the war upon the kuffar, you are not a muslim as you are cherry picking what is convenient to you.

If you do bring the war upon the kuffar, you cannot tell me that it's a religion of peace.

If you tell me you are not the extremist that the social media paints about being a muslim, I will agree with you because you probably are not a muslim. Because you are practising a religion after you cherry picked what's convenient for you, you cannot be called a muslim. You are technically practising "your idea of Islam".

The Quran has good and but A LOT of bad. Islam is at a place where Christianity was in the crusades.

**The world of religion is filled with oppression. The world will know peace when there is no religion.

I won't bring science this, because there is no religion that can stand against reason. But I'd love to give them a chance.

I'm an atheist. I hate all religions equally. I won't bend my knees to a God who decides who can be loved and cannot be loved. That is enough for me to say there is no God, and your religious books are filled with utter nonsense.**

/r/AskReddit Thread