What's the shittiest thing someone has ever done to you?

Several years ago I was working at a stable that I had my horse boarded at. I was working off my board and this particular day, my birthday, was rainy and miserable and I was having a really rough time with my depression and anxiety. I wasn't getting much work done (mind you, it's not like it was hectic) because I was busy having a mental breakdown. Took an ativan to try to calm my nerves but I didn't realize at the time that it's a depressant so, if anything, it made me worse. My boss was cold to me and I knew she was angry, so when I went home I wrote her an apology, explaining what I was going through and why I didn't get much done that day.

She told me I wasn't depressed, there was nothing wrong with me and I had a "problem with medication" - implying addiction? WTF. She then told me to not come back and that I had to get my horse off her property, but she wouldn't trailer her (which was how I got the horse there in the first place). So in the middle of losing my fucking mind I had to find someone to trailer my horse home last minute. Turned out, the lady whose trailer I rented is amazing and my life is better for having met her, but still, what a fucking shitshow.

I wrote the bitch a long response after I was gone. How dare she imply my mental illness was nothing and accuse me of being addicted to medication (this same cunt, I've heard, had a cocaine problem)? The kicker is she works with disabled children and even became a paramedic. So physical injuries and disabilities are totally legit but mental illness can go fuck itself, according to her, I guess. THIS BITCH IS WHY THERE IS SUCH A STIGMA. UGH okay I need to go eat chocolate now or something because typing this up brought back a lot of shit.

/r/AskReddit Thread