I've climbed from Bronze 3 to Plat 4 so far this season, and I'd like to share some unique advice when trying to climb!

For the sake of this, I'm only going to review your ranked solo queue games. I will be doing my best at reviewing your op.gg, as I cannot really tell too much without a replay of a standard game.

It looks to me, that when you do well, you are often good at getting in a place to finish the game. But on the offside, when you are behind, you seem to die at a quite alarming amount (almost as if you are tilting, maybe?). You have a game where you go 2-18-23 as Nidalee. Assuming you gave away many kills to your carries when ganking (which is okay if you don't think you can extensively carry on Nid). Since you have a S3 account and assumingly you can keep up there, you may want to consider trying to take some kills for your own income to snowball a game to victory. You would do this because you are most likely the best chance of taking over a game or inflicting tilt upon the opposing team. Do NOT take every kill, just make sure you have enough income to fit your playstyle (whether it be passive or aggressive). I will be honest, champions like Kindred and Yasuo (you play quite a bit of them) that have abilities that rely heavily on the capabilities of your allies will be hard to successfully execute, as many other bronze players may not know how to play inside of a Kindred ult. As you climb more, you can start pulling this champions back into your game. You seem to go on series of win streaks and lose streaks (often like I did) where you get promoted and demoted a considerable amount. If you are ever feel like you are not playing up to your full potential on a lose streak, I'd recommend taking a bit of a break to recoup. If you have any "fallback" kind of champion that you used to main that you put up good stats on frequently, playing a game with them can often help spark your way out of a slump. For me that champion was Ahri, I'd only pull it out on lose streaks and it often helped me a ton.

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