Jatt-22 Episode 3: A Perfect Fnatic

Prove that he is better?


I'll give that one to Froggen. Febiven gets no jungle attention so going even in is fine, it's his role within the team to just survive the laning phase. Laning is so overrated and minor cs differences does not mean a lot as we have seen countless of times this season within all regions. And Froggen is one of the players that is not able to snowball advantages he gains in lane at all. Making his laning advantage over Febiven worthless.

Champion pool: Febiven wins. Not even up for discussion. Febiven is better at the current "op" meta picks like Viktor and Azir before the the recent nerf. He is also good at poke champions like Jayce. Froggen is really good at poke champions as well like AP Kog and Varus.

Teamfighting: Febiven wins. Not even going to bother to explain it, teamfighting ability is also tied into champion pool.

It actually sucks that Froggen have dug himself into this dark hole and chances are that he will never come out of it.

Froggen could be such a good player if he was put in a similar situation like Febiven where he can just focus on doing his job. But for some reason he insists to have this leader role within Elements and it's not working at all. The shot-calling is terrible and the shot calling was always the main issue, even during the 2014 Summer split. Alliance had much individual skill with Shook, Tabzz and Froggen so it made up for the lack of strategic play.

Season 5 came around with the Baron and Dragon changes and Froggen could not keep up.

He already had shotcalling issues prior to the changes and it just kept on getting worse and worse. So, instead of fixing the actual issue with his own shotcalling he decides that it's better to switch up the roster over and over again.

Froggen's judgement and ego is his worst enemy and he will never be truly great again unless he seriously changes himself, as teamplayer within a team. Elements Management is also at fault here for giving Froggen too much power.

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