Jeb Bush Says People Who Accept Climate Science Are ‘Really Arrogant’

I don't agree that the other article accurately presents the gulf between Jeb Bush and reality.

Just because Jeb chose to play Republican games with the word "decided" doesn't mean every reporter must follow him down that path. Jeb uses "decide" in a religious sense. To be fair, what he says is not as in "the decider." But it is dependent on theology like an addict depends on cigarettes. Jeb either pretends or otherwise believes that someday... science MAY ultimately "decide" what percentage is caused by humans and then then its always going to be that way and it will be reported in "the science bible.."

There is no science bible. There is however, as the first article points out an over 90% consensus that climate change is man-made.

There is also a consensus that the rate of change is increasing. Without Jeb's "theology of science" dodge that the second article clearly caters to, It is difficult for a Jeb Bush to hide from the most critical and damaging information: Florida is sinking. It is sinking at the rate of half a foot in 20 years.

And that rate is increasing. Seeing the math layed out, it is impossible for any intelligent human being to deny what Jeb Bush wants to deny.

Take a look at the verified high water levels from Virginia Key Florida.

Jeb's failure to appreciate the math here is not unlike the intense failure of George Bush that he ruined American manufacturing, or Bobby Jindal, or Scott Walker to appreciate the economic reality that they are ruining their states economic advantages by starving their higher education.

There is no physics bible or economy bible that will ultimately decide one way or another.

But the overall consensus of the scientific community is way beyond where Jeb Bush can simply call it arrogant and the article you cite falls for his big lie.

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