Jg changes won't fix anything.

Soloq and pro play are different games. You won't ever see that type of gameplay in soloq like you see in pro play because in pro play there are 5 players per team who know each other, play with each other all day long and more importantly, in pro play only a very small number of champions are being played, limited, different team comps are picked too.

Soloq is a different story and the argument "players make it happen" is not actually a good argument because we can apply this to every champion that is broken. camille, samira, kai'sa and so on. With some coordination, these champions can be stopped, but in reality they are still broken because we are not robots, we don't know each other and soloq players are playing a ton of champions with different team comps.

Also, is extremely easy to clear the new jungle. Even krugs or whatever they are call, are easy to clear. A jungler can easily stay in levels because of that and because they have a lot more time to move around the map, gank, help push the lane for laners and so on.

The new jungle is broken.

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