Jiu jitsu against dogs

An able-bodied adult man shouldn't lose a fight to a single dog. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to get bit by a pit bull, rottweiler, or german shepherd, but you are probably a lot bigger and probably also a lot smarter (maybe). And you have hands.

Jiu jitsu is designed by humans to work against humans. It would probably work against other apes and monkeys to some extent since their physiology is similar, but I'm not willing to test it. I've been attacked by dogs on a few occasions delivering pizza and jogging, and they were all uneventful. I'm 3 times the size of a big dog; I'm twice the size of a big mountain lion. You're probably a manlet, but even then, you look big to them.

I elbowed some fucking brown lab in the face when he tried to bite me. He came back for more and I elbowed him again. Slow as fuck and that bitch was leaking. I Kicked some shitty yelper across the lawn. Bitch owner came running out threatening to call the cops and I offered her my cell phone. All of this is before I started training BJJ and I'm undefeated against dogs.

To answer your question, be the fucking apex predator you are. BJJ isn't for dogs, but evolution already made you the victor.

/r/bjj Thread